While we where on vacation in New-Zeeland, Alister Christie kindly invited us over to stay at their house for a couple of days. We had a great time with Alister and Jackie, we absolutely loved our stay. Their patch of the world is also really something special. Alister also made some time for an interview, he really makes full use of each day. Did you know Alister makes some terrific wines at home? They where absolutely delicious. Hope to visit again sometime!.

Alister Christie
We also organized some meetups with Delphi developers in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, which were great. Its fun to see such diversity and ingenuity in using Delphi in all kinds of software. On these meetups Alister presented on the PPL and I introduced the TMS Web Core. TMS Web Core can really be a game changer; as its very easy to get into web page based apps using this technology. They can also easily be made Progressuve Web App compliant.
It was great to meet all these nice people in New-Zealand!