Delphi Web Service articles in Blaise Magazine

Two of my Delphi web service articles have been published in Blaise Pascal Magazine and a third one is coming up.

This series of articles is about writing your own web services server and client in Delphi. The approach of all articles is pragmatic. The first article introduces some of the concepts you need to know and shows you how to create and consume your own web service in Delphi. This second article shows you how to update the data in the web service and how to create in-memory storage for the web service. There is even some JavaScript that shows you how to use the web service from a HTML page.

Creating a web service is a simple and straightforward way to share Delphi application data with third-party software vendors. It’s easy to create one, and it supports the standard features of REST web services with industry standard JSON.

Blaise Pascal Magazine appears 10 times a year, each issue has at least 100 pages with articles on Delphi and Lazarus. The latest issue is #93, as noted with Web Service Part 2 Storage by Danny Wind, but also with ORM in kbmMW #3 Copying a table from one database to another by Kim Bo Madsen. The best choice for getting your Blaise Pascal Magazine issues is a subscription.

CodeRage 2019 RAD Server Key Value sessions

Thank you for attending my CodeRage 2019 sessions on RAD Server.

The Key Value storage created, deployed and used in the sessions is very simple to build, but also very versatile in its use. Hopefully you will find as many, or even more, uses as I have for the Key Value server code in your own projects with RAD Server.

If you want to replay the sessions, please visit the CodeRage 2019 playlist on YouTube here.

Please find the download with Delphi sources and a partial emsserver.ini here:
Download source and emsserver.ini
The download has been compressed with RAR with password coderage2019
and has the following SHA-256 checksum

David Intersimone (DavidI) has created an excellent handbook on RAD Server which can be found here.

Have fun creating your own RAD Server solutions!

Some after session thoughts

In an attempt to shorten the RADServerKeyValue Client video a part of the video at the end was removed that should not have been removed. This involves using a key/value pair with uploading a larger or more complex text. The source code in the rar file you can download has the correct source code.

This Key Value store code has special handling for any key with a value ‘body’. In response to this keyword the RAD Server Key Value package assumes the body of the Request contains a UTF8 encoded text to be placed in the value for the dictionary. This makes it possible to put text in the Key Value storage that would be difficult to put as a URL parameter, either due to size constraints for URL segments, or due to special characters not allowed in URL parameters.

By setting the recycle time of the IIS ISAPI to 24 hours, the in-memory Key Value pairs will remain available for that period. If you want you can add persistency for this dictionary by storing the data in a database in the RAD Server backend.

You may want to add manual support for different MIME types with EndPointProduce and EndpointConsume and use EMSFileResource and EMSDBResource to feed files or database tables back to the client.


Delphi Meetup Web Development bij TMS op 12 juni 2018

Het is al bijna zover, de volgende Delphi Meetup. Dit keer in Wevelgem op het kantoor van TMS Software.

Bruno Fierens laat zien hoe je vanuit de Delphi IDE, met de Delphi taal en componenten, op een een RAD manier web user-interfaces kunt bouwen. Ook zie je hoe vanuit die Delphi web applicaties op eenvoudig bestaande Javascript libraries, zoals bijvoorbeeld jQuery, gebruik kan worden gemaakt van user-interface controls. Als laatste laat hij zien hoe dit samen met Delphi databinding te gebruiken is..

In aansluiting op de sessie van Bruno combineert Danny Wind in een use case een aantal technologieën om je te laten zien hoe eenvoudig het is om gebruik te maken van RADical Web. Danny zal een op REST gebaseerde micro-service back-end gebruiken en een  front-end die zowel RADical Web als Apps (Android/iOS) gebruikt. En dit alles gewoon met Delphi Code!

Meer info vindt je hier: