In good ol’ DOS days we could start an application after boot by adding it to autoexec.bat. Under Windows you can add a program to startup using the registry or view startup programs with msconfig.
But how does this work under Android?
Automatically starting a Delphi XE5 Android app after the device has booted up can be done by creating a broadcast receiver that listens to the BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast intent.
This article descibes the steps necessary to create such a broadcast receiver with Delphi XE5:
- create a new Delphi XE5 Android project
- set uses permissions to receive boot completed
- modify AndroidManifest.template.xml to let the Android system know you have a broadcast receiver
- write some Java code
- add it to the classes.dex
- use this new classes.dex in your project
- run the app on device
Continue reading here: Auto start Delphi XE5 Android App after boot