Happy Delphi 25th birthday!
Wow, its been 25 years already since I first met Delphi in its pre-release of version 1.0.
During the past 25 years Delphi created a world of opportunities for me. I’ve travelled the world for Delphi, creating software in Portugal, Delphi courses in France, presenting in Denmark and meeting up with developers in New Zealand. Most of my work was in the Netherlands, but even so its diversity of use in this tiny country always manages to amaze me. From high-performance statistics, stock market, multi-threaded geo analysis, insurance expert systems to project and hour registration systems. The largest user base for desktop software I worked on was 100.000+ users, but I know of Delphi software that has millions of users. All in all, you can literally find Delphi software everywhere, meaning you get to go everywhere and build all kinds of systems as a Delphi developer, which to me is just the greatest thing!
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Happy Delphi 25th Birthday and #Delphi25th everyone!