Get ready for the future with the sessions of the Delphi Day 2019.
We kick off with a session about RAD Server. Start using webservices now, with this easy turn-key solution. Delphi Rio Enterprise includes a single-site deployment license for unlimited users, so you can start using it for free. In my session on RAD Server i’ll cover the architecture and how and why its (now) fast, unrestrained and easy to setup and maintain.
In the following sesions, Bob Swart will help you modernize your Delphi language, making your code and applications ready for the future. Bruno Fierens is going to show you how to add HTML5 and JavaScript Apps to your application framework. Unlocking new options and possibilities for your customers. Jan Jacobs will show you how they used a SaaS and a combination of Delphi, nodejs and mongodb to create a high-performance cloud based transaction engine for retailers and webshops.
The focus of my afternoon session is future proofing your application architecture for 2020, a 2020 vision! I’ll demo several techniques to achieve this, like parallel code with TTask, visualization of workflow, adding spotlight search, companion apps and other quick-wins and tips
More information and registration can be found here: