Ontdek Delphi 11.2 Alexandria

De nieuwe Delphi 11.2 Alexandria release is uit en we zijn blij met deze versie. We gaan samen met Barnsten in een webinar niet alleen de nieuwe features bekijken, maar er ook enkele uitproberen met demo’s.

Donderdag 22 september 2022 van 09.30 tot 10.30 uur.

Het webinar is online, registreer je nu hier:

Maak niet alleen kennis met de nieuwe features en mogelijkheden van Delphi 11.2  Alexandria maar zie ook hoe je ze kunt toepassen. In dit webinar zie je op welke manier de nieuwe IDE features gebruikt kunnen worden in een development team en welke wijzigingen relevant zijn voor nieuwe en bestaande Delphi projecten. Tijdens en direct na afloop van het webinar kunt via de chatbox vragen stellen.

In dit webinar zie je hoe je local GetIt kunt gebruiken, hoe je Help Insight tags kunt toevoegen, met als bonus voor de deelnemers de primeur van een comic plug-in voor de Welcome Page.

Android SDK for Delphi 11.2 Alexandria

The Android SDK is an optional feature in the Delphi installation. Now if you did not select it in the install, you can add it later using the Tools – Manage Platforms menu in the Delphi IDE. If you do that, then you should also check the Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK 11 (Hotspot) JVM, for the Java bits the Android SDK needs.

If you forgot that, no worries, the Delphi IDE has an automatic feature to detect missing Android SDK files. So if you start an Android project and then hit compile you will get a question from the Delphi IDE “Would you like to update the platforms SDK now?” Just click yes and it will then download the Android SDK for you and you can just continue.

Would you like to update the platforms SDK now?But occasionally the install process of Delphi fails to download some of the required Android SDK files from Google. There are many reasons for this, sometimes the Google servers are down or there is a conflict with an existing Android SDK. You can easily confirm issues using the Delphi SDK Manager, that you can open through the Tools – Options menu. Under the Deployment branch you’ll find the SDK Manager.

Android SDK manager fro Delphi 11.2The missing folders are indicated with yellow danger signs next to them. In this case we are missing

  • build-tools 32.0.0
  • platform-tools
  • platforms android-32

The solution here is to open an administrative command prompt and navigate to the Android SDK advmanager.bat folder as you can see in the SDK manager screen:

CD "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\CatalogRepository\AndroidSDK-2525-22.0.46141.0937\cmdline-tools\latest\bin"

In that folder we need to use the sdkmanager.bat file to download and install the missing items.

sdkmanager "build-tools;32.0.0"
sdkmanager "platform-tools"
sdkmanager "platforms;android-32"

You can also list all the available items that you can download and install in from Google.

sdkmanager --list

More information on the sdkmanager can be found on the android developer website: https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/sdkmanager

That should fix it all up!

As a sidenote; with the newer Windows 10 and 11 versions the Android ADB driver comes pre-installed, and you just have to enable developer mode and connect your Android device with an USB cable to get Windows to install the Android Debug Bridge driver.

Happy Birthday Delphi !

Delphi 27th birthday

Happy Birthday Delphi !

On Monday the 14th of February Delphi turns 27, #Delphi27th. The current version of Delphi is Delphi 11 Alexandria, named after the famous Alexandria library. As I’ve been developing Delphi code for some years now, I’ve also collected a library of code snippets and I would like to share the idea of creating your own library of code snippets with you.

What are code snippets?

Wikipedia defines a code snippet as a small region of re-useable source code. In Delphi these re-usable snippets can be found under Live Templates, and under several other aspects of Code Completion. My own code snippets however have a  broader scope and they range from one-liners to complete design patterns and even (partial) frameworks. Sometimes a code snippet illustrates a corner case that I’m bound to forget otherwise, sometimes it’s a complete base version for creating a REST based web service or a design pattern for graceful termination of Task based multithreading.

Code snippets are really very personal and usually just useful for you and they do not need to hold up to public scrutiny. They are mostly placeholders for your knowledge, your personal library which only you know and use. For me they are also a toolbox with ready made algorithms or solutions to common coding challenges.

Maybe the idea of collecting code snippets and building your own personal Alexandria library of knowledge appeals to you as well. If so, take a look at the short video on the subject and start collecting!

Delphi Code Snippets video

Click to start the YouTube video on Code Snippets

Slides of this video and the source of DoubleTrouble and EZeroDivide can be downloaded here. The WinRAR archive has Delphi27 as password protection.

Don’t forget to join the Delphi27th Anniversary webinar on Monday at 17:00 CET with Jim McKeeth, Marco Cantu, David Millington and Ian Barker.

Egyptian Basbousa

for Alexandria we made Egyptian Basbousa

DelphiCon 2021 16,17,18 november 2021


Delphi conference 2021

De Delphi Conference 2021 begint vanmiddag al, dus registreer nu op https://delphicon.embarcadero.com/ en na de registratie boek dan ook je early bird pass op https://delphicon.embarcadero.com/checkout/select-tickets/

Veel bekende sprekers en enkele heel interessante sessies. Het hele schema vindt je hier https://delphicon.embarcadero.com/schedule/

Mocht je later willen kijken in de replays, registreer dan toch vandaag en koop ook voor 0$ je early bird pass. Alleen dan zijn de replays namelijk vrij toegankelijk.


Delphi 11 Alexandria

Delphi 11 Alexandria is out today!

Alexandria is named after the famous ancient library. With alle these Delphi books coming  out in the past few years its perfectly named.

My favorite features of this release are high-dpi IDE, the Mac OS ARM64 support for the M1 chip, the AVX-512 support and the many small but very pleasant updates to the VCL and FMX frameworks. Especially the VCL updates top the common controls and the support for Windows-11 is most welcome.

Lets add another book to the library; coding for Windows-11 in Delphi-11.