Searching for Delphi repositories on GitHub is made more difficult than it should be.
The main reason is that Delphi is not listed as a language. OK, Delphi is a development environment, not a language, fair enough. But what about Object pascal?
Why is Object Pascal is not listed?
With a little more research you can find out there are language items for Pascal and Component Pascal. But if you search for language:”Component Pascal” its kind of a dead end with just around 900 entries.
Some of these are relevant for Delphi, but some are not. Oh, but that’s logical, you might think, because Component Pascal is not meant to refer to Delphi. And you’re right, Component Pascal is officially the name for a language based on the Oberon-2 language which was originally based on, but incompatible with, Pascal.
Then you decide to just do a manual search in GitHub on language:Delphi.
Which doesn’t get you very far, because GitHub “helpfully” re-routes your language:Delphi search to the Component Pascal results.
So then you decide to just search for language:Pascal and yes, then the results are there.
But not in the best format. Why? Because you cannot drill down with the Languages list box on the left side for repositories in other Languages that have something to do with Delphi. So using this path, you would probably never find this Delphi de-compiler that’s written in C++.
So what to do?
Luckily there is a workaround. We just need to do a search for Delphi in the readme files that accompany each repository. Then we get this result.
These results are more relevant, but even better; we can now drill down using the Languages box on the left bottom of the screen.
That’s more like it!
Besides Heidi SQL, Python4Delphi and MARS we now also find a handy repository with a curated list of many relevant Delphi repositories.
So there you have it.
Just go to GitHub Advanced Search and type Delphi in:readme and you’ll find what you need.
Keep in mind, GitHub is not the only location for Delphi repositories. For instance Spring4D only has a placeholder on GitHub, but can be found over here.