Dapug workshop

Some pictures of the workshop at the Dapug this week:

dapugauctioneerLasse Lægteskov won the prize from Devart. jensfudgeJens Fudge in front of his favourite tree.

It was a lot of fun presenting at the Dapug, especially because everyone there was so enthusiastic, open-minded and positive. Special thanks to Jens Fudge for inviting me over, and a thank you to everyone at the Dapug.

Delphi 10.1 Berlin Firemonkey en Android Training

Op donderdag 24 en vrijdag 25 november is er een Delphi 10.1 Berlin Firemonkey en Android training.

Ben je al ervaren in Delphi met de VCL, maar wil je verder met multi-platform (OSX, iOS, Android) dan is deze combinatie FireMonkey Power en Android App training misschien iets voor jou. Leer in 2 dagen het FireMonkey framework en Android app development kennen.

Meer info vindt je hier:

Delphi 10.1 Berlin FireMonkey en Android

En inschrijven kan via Barnsten:


Delphi Berlin For Free

Did you know you can use Delphi for free with the free Delphi Berlin Starter edition? If you want you can get started right know:

If you are a hobbyist, a student or just starting your own development, the Starter Edition is just fine. You can develop serious Windows desktop software with this version, as it includes a lot of the features you need, such as support for HTTP(S) requests including JSON and BSON that would allow you to consume WebServices. It even includes FMX, so you could start building visually stunning stuff with DirectX accelerated GUI graphics. Looking at the complete feature set will give you an idea of what’s possible out of the box, and although not mentioned here the ClientDataset in-memory table is actually part of Delphi Starter:

Daniel Wolf did some research on what you can do with the Starter Edition; his conclusion was that you could write software for an airport with Delphi Starter. Read his nicely detailed article here.

And don’t forget, this edition allows you to use and install third-party components as well. And there are a lot of Delphi Components out there.