Build an auctioning software suite… in one day

On March 12th in Brussels and on March 5th in Hoofddorp Barnsten is hosting a free event in which you will see how to use the power of Delphi to create a fully functional auctioning software suite in just one day.

During this day Pawel Glowacki and I will make all software live, combining the power of VCL with that of FireMonkey. For the backoffice, AWS S3 Cloud storage, REST, FireDac JSON Reflection, Interbase and EC2. We will also make the frontend, an Android app for Auction Masters to add items for bidding (REST + Cloud) and an Android app that attendees can use to actually bid on the items (REST + EC2). Bluetooth LE is used as well, to do over-the-air authorization. There is even some parallel programming involved, don’t worry we’ll keep it light. The day will be concluded with a live auction, allowing you to do virtual bids using the Android app just created.

For Brussel, more info here:
For Hoofddorp, more info here:

JPG and PNG inside a database (VCL)

In VCL applications we can easily add images to a database using the TDBImage component. But TDBImage only supports Bitmaps (BMP), and these uncompressed images take a lot of space and network bandwidth to store them. Fortunately it is quite easy to store compressed JPG and PNG images inside a database using TWICImage.

The TWICImage component has been available since Delphi 2010, and it uses Windows DirectX to determine and handle multiple image formats. It is actually an encapsulation of the Windows Imaging Component (WIC). We can use TWICImage to determine the type of an image and have it create a correct image format header. We can then save this header + image into a blob field.

procedure SavePictureFileToField(PictureFile: TFileName; Field: TBlobField);
  lWICImage: TWICImage;

  lWICImage := TWICImage.Create;

When we later read this image from the blob field, we use TWICImage to interpret the header and then assign it into a TImage.Picture for display.

procedure LoadPictureFromField(Field: TBlobField; Picture: TPicture);
  lWICImage: TWICImage;

  if (Field.BlobSize > 0) then
  begin {Assume image}
    lWICImage := TWICImage.Create;
  else {Empty}

And that’s all.

This code will work for any Delphi version starting from Delphi 2010.

Please note that if you are creating a multi-device / FireMonkey application you should not use TWICImage, the FireMonkey TImage and TImageControl both already handle all types of images just fine themselves and going through TWICImage would not be of benefit, in fact it would lock you into Windows.

Completed source code as a simple VCL SQLLite XE7 database application can be downloaded here: DBImage_JPG_PNG